RK, Astana city, 20 Mangilik El Ave.
 +7 (7172) 27-27-75  info@qgeo.kz

+7 / 7172 / 27-27-75

Geodetic survey

Geodetic survey

RSE "NCGSI" has solid experience, highly skilled personnel and up-to-date technical expertise in carrying out complex engineering surveys

  • laying down of centres, creation and development of geodetic networks, control survey, surveyor networks, geodetic networks for special purposes for construction;
  • laying of benchmarks, I, II, III and IV class levelling;
  • satellite geodetic determinations;
  • special surveying on scales 1:5000 to 1:500, including surveys of underground and above-ground structures and special plans on scales 1:200 and 1:100;
  • updating of topographic (geodetic) plans for special purposes on scales of 1:5000-1:200 and cadastral plans in graphic, digital and photographic forms;
  • survey operations relating to the surveying and staking and fixing of mine workings, geodetic and other engineering survey points;
  • geodetic stationary observations of deformations of foundations of buildings and structures, the earth's surface and rock mass, including - when performing local monitoring of dangerous natural and technological and natural processes;
  • geodetic engineering and cartographic support for geo-information systems of enterprises, settlements and national cadastres;
    field routing of linear construction facilities;
  • survey operations for equipment installation, crane runway alignment and verticality checking of columns, structures and components;
  • geodetic surveying for determination of staking for hidden underground structures during repair and other works.
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