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International cooperation

On October 15, 2021  in Nur-Sultan city, RSE “National Center of Geodesy and Spatial Information” has become a participant of the XLIII Session of the Interstate Council on Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Earth Remote Sensing of the CIS Member States on the Development of Geodesy and Cartography. The session was attended by the chief executive officers and representatives of cartographic and geodetic services of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova and Russia.

In the process of session, the results of the activities of the Secretariat and the working groups of the Interstate Council, the reports of the Council members on the implementation of the decisions of the XLII session were heard, and information on the results of the cartographic and geodetic services of the CIS member states was taken into consideration. The cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of geodesy, cartography and spatial data was addressed during the session.

XXVI session of the Interstate Council on Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Earth Remote Sensing was held in Astana on September 03-05, 2014. The council members have discussed the course of adherence to decisions of the previous session and work on professional development and training of personnel of production organizations and teaching staff of professional educational institutions in the field of geodesy and cartography of the CIS member states.

The activities carried out for the implementation of the CIS Spatial Data Infrastructure Pilot Project and the work on the draft Concept of Mutual Cooperation in Developing a Common Navigation Space have been assessed. Draft Agreement on cooperation in professional development and personnel training of production organizations and academic teaching staff of professional educational institutions in the area of geodesy and cartography of the CIS Member States has been approved.

The particular attention is given to the conversion of cartographic and geodetic assets from analogue to digital form and the development of proposals for an Electronic bulletin of changes in geographical names. The session was attended by the Deputy Director of the Department for cooperation in the area of security and countering new threats and challenges Murat Tashibayev, chief executive officers and representatives of the cartographic and geodetic services of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Republic of Tajikistan.

Interstate Council on Geodesy, cartography, cadastre and earth remote sensing was established in 1992. It includes representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Turkmenistan and Ukraine participate in the work of the Council as observers. Council pursues a coordinated policy in the area of geodesy, cartography, cadastre and earth remote sensing, and develops relevant normative and technical documentation, jointly with the ministries and departments of the states concerned, prepares proposals on matters within its competence for consideration by the Heads of CIS States Council and decision-making on priority areas for cooperation. The next XXXVII session of the Interstate Council will be held in 2015 in the Republic of Armenia. Council is designated as an independent working group within the Standing Committee on the Geographic Information System - Infrastructure for Asian countries and the Pacific region. Our delegation also represents the Republic of Kazakhstan as an observer in the work of the Eastern Europe, Northern and Central Asia Division of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names.

On September 27-28, 2012, V Congress of Geodesists and Cartographers was held in Minsk within the framework of the Interstate Council on Geodesy, Cartography, Cadastre and Remote Sensing of the CIS Member States. Congress was attended by more than 100 representatives of governmental and commercial organizations from 9 countries (Republic of Belarus, Russia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Tajikistan, Ukraine, Republic of Latvia, Switzerland, Republic of Poland).

The work of V Congress of Surveyors and Cartographers has completed with adopting a resolution where the special attention was paid to the following tasks

  • Creation of new types of cartographic products based on the state-of-the-art digital technologies, including maps with increased informational content.
  • Creation of information systems for public administration.
  • Creation of a high-precision geodetic base and cartographic documents for the operation of navigation systems.
  • Implementation of topographic monitoring as a method of prompt obtaining of reliable information about the location.
  • Establishment of system for the prompt acquisition, processing, distribution and use of high and ultra-high resolution ERS data based on optical-electronic methods.
  • Integration of geospatial data into a unified system in order to meet the objective needs of citizens, organizations, public administration and sectors of the economy.
  • Implementation of mechanisms for the formation, storage and use of materials and data from the State Cartographic and Geodesic Fund.
  • Assisting in the development of higher and secondary vocational education, training and proficiency enhancement of workers.
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