RK, Astana city, 20 Mangilik El Ave.
 +7 (7172) 27-27-75  info@qgeo.kz

+7 / 7172 / 27-27-75

Cartographic engineering

Cartographic engineering

RSE "NCGSI" provides a full range of mapping services, including the production of digital maps and plans for use in geographic information systems (GIS)

Company specialists perform the creation, updating, preparation for publication topographic plans and maps of all scales and the circulation of products:

Maps of the RK
Maps of the Republic of Kazakhstan at different scales and different topics.

Schematic layouts of city districts at scale 1:25 000
Layouts of city district on various scales and themes.

Theme maps
Includes a group of maps of diverse subject matter, consisting of maps of natural phenomena and socio-economic: the world, continents, foreign countries, Kazakhstan and its parts.

Regional maps of Kazakhstan at a scale of 1:500 000
Maps of the Regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan at a scale of 1:500,000, and a set of regional maps 1:1,000,000.

Regional road maps of Kazakhstan, with plans of regional centres on the back, at a scale of 1:1 000 000
Regional road maps of Kazakhstan, with plans of regional centres overleaf, at a scale of 1:1.0 million by category

Web portal of spatial data

Web portal is an efficient management and development of the electronic archive infrastructure of the National Cartographic and Geodesic Fund, a centralized model for the provision of electronic services and services to public authorities, legal entities and individuals.

The primary objectives of which are to optimize business processes using algorithms and modern methods of archive fund management. All topographic-geodesic surveys and map coverage available on the territory of Kazakhstan will be presented on the geoportal of the fund, which will significantly reduce the time for issuing materials and making requests.

Link: https://geoportal.nkgf.kz

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