RK, Astana city, 20 Mangilik El Ave.
+7 / 7172 / 27-77-19  info@qgeo.kz

+7 / 7172 / 27-77-19


Branch «АtyrauGeodesy»

Address: Atyrau, av. Azattyk, 96 B
Phone number: +7 /7122/ 556-204, 556-205, 556-206
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

History of education:

The branch «Atyrau Geodesy» of the Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management «National Center of Geodesy and Spatial Information» of the Committee of Geodesy and Cartography was established according to the Charter of the Republican state enterprise on the right of economic management «National Center of Geodesy and Spatial Information» of the Committee of Geodesy and Cartography of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the order of the Director General No. 41-o on March 9, 2022 and registered with the bodies of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 24, 2022.

General information:

In June 2022, the staff was formed. The staff number is 35 units, of which 26 units are production personnel, today 20 employees actually work, there are 15 vacancies.

Types of work performed:

  • Large-scale topographic surveys of cities, district centers, settlements, factories, industrial facilities, oil and gas fields, as well as mineral deposits (1:200, 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000);
  • Engineering and geodetic surveys for the design of railways, highways, power lines, power plants, gas, oil, water and civil and industrial construction facilities;
  • Conducting geodetic monitoring of the state of the Earth's crust, minerals in oil and gas fields in order to predict and prevent dangerous seismic, geomechanical phenomena and environmental disasters;
  • Creation and updating of topographic and surveying plans of all scales;
  • Planned high-altitude binding and decryption of aerial photographs of all scales;
  • Creation and implementation of geographical, administrative, political, thematic, educational, topographic and tourist maps;
  • Topographic scale survey 1:200, 1:500, 1:1000 cities, factories and industrial facilities with survey of engineering-underground and aboveground communications;
  • High-precision leveling of classes I and II;
  • Performing special geodetic works;
  • Construction and development of filming networks;
  • Center work and removal of wells in kind at oil and gas fields
  • Topographic and geodetic;
  • Cartography;
  • Delimitation, demarcation and re-demarcation of the State border;
  • Land management works.

Technical equipment:

The following technical equipment is available in our branch to perform the work:
  • Geodetic equipment: GPS receivers manufactured by"LeicaGeosystems"," South", electronic total stations, digital and optical levels, tracers
  • Computer equipment: personal computers, laptops, tablets, large-format plotters, cameras
  • Graphic stations for digital photogrammetry manufactured by AG "LeicaGeosystems"
  • Software: ArcGIS, MicroStation, Mapinfo Professional, AutoCAD, CorelDRAW
  • Cross-country special purpose vehicles: Kamaz, UAZ

The branch has experience in performing works on order:

  • State Institution "Department of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of Mangystau region"
  • RSI "Atyrau District Department of Operation " of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • State Institution "Apparatus of Akim of Yerkinkali rural district"
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