RK, Astana city, 20 Mangilik El Ave.
 +7 (7172) 27-27-75  info@qgeo.kz

+7 / 7172 / 27-27-75


Main priorities of the Company activities are:

  • Implementation of the “National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan” project under the "Digital Kazakhstan" Government program
  • Development of state-of-the-art digital technologies in geodesy and cartography
  • Use of satellite imagery, implementation of unmanned aerial vehicles and development of new software
  • Systematic monitoring of budget receipts and expenditures, risk management
  • Strict adherence to the Republic of Kazakhstan Laws “On Public Procurement” and, “On Corruption combating”
  • Improvement of key cost effectiveness indicators.

Digital Kazakhstan

In many sectors of the economy, defence, terrain information is an important component and there is a demand for quality services using topographic and geodetic surveying and mapping products. Often these products are judicial documents. The cartographic products are the tool to support spatial planning and design, the graphical basis of departmental information systems, and governmental databases. The unified coordinate and elevation datum of the republic territory serves as a reference system for all measurements of terrain and space.

The advanced countries have established national solid systems of axes back in the last century, which allows them to develop international integration. Commonwealth of Independent countries, apart from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, has introduced their own satellite geodetic networks.

Therefore, transition to a qualitatively new technological system of state geodetic support will inevitably have a positive impact on the efficiency of topographic-geodetic and cartographic engineering works, which will consequentially have positive socio-economic effects in the sectors of the economy.

The modernization of the state geodetic support system of Kazakhstan provides for the development of state geodetic, leveling and gravimetric networks in view of state-of-the-art satellite and information technology. The application of geo-information technologies in cartography allows creating the digital terrain maps and plans that can be used in automated management systems.

Download: Государственная программа "Цифровой Казахстан" (.doc)

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