RK, Astana city, 20 Mangilik El Ave.
 +7 (7172) 27-27-75  info@qgeo.kz

+7 / 7172 / 27-77-19


On March 15, 1919, geodetic service has been organized by the Decree on the establishment of the Higher Surveyor’s Office under the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Council of National Economy

Until 1945, all topographic-geodesic and cartographic engineering works within the territory of Kazakhstan were carried out by topographic-geodesic units of the Central Asian Geospatial Enterprise (GSE) and survey parties of the West Siberian GSE.

Since January 01, 1945, organization of the Kazakh Geospatial Enterprise (KazGE) has been started in Alma-ata. The first official of the KazGE was Subbotin А. I. By the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kaz.S.S.R under No.122 dated March 10, 1945, specific tasks have been set for the newly organized enterprise. The main one was the completion of surveying of the entire territory of the Kazakh SSR in 1945-1947 at a scale of 1:100,000 for the purposes of state mapping.

In the fall of 1945, Semipalatinsk Topographic Vocational School was opened.

KazGE has started its operating activities since January 01, 1945, having one field topographic unit with a stationary base in Talgar village.

After the Republic of Kazakhstan has gained independence in 1991, transformation of the entire structure of geodesy and cartography has occurred. According to the Decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR dated August 31, 1991, all governmental enterprises and agencies of union subordination have passed under the control of the Government of the Kazakh SSR, and by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1992), the Central Office of Geodesy and Cartography under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established (Kazgeodesia) hosted by KazGE of the USSR State department of geodesy and cartography (SDGC). All organizations and enterprises, complex consolidated expeditions of the former SDGC of the USSR located within the territory of Kazakhstan, as well as the Kazakh Territorial Inspection of State Geodesic Supervision (KazTISGS) have become part of Kazgeodesia.

In 1992, the Central Cartographic and Geodesic Fund (CCGF, currently the National Cartographic and Geodesic Foundation has been established.

In 1996, By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazgeodesia was abolished, and its functions have been assigned to the State Committee for Land Relations and Land Management (Goskomzem), and the in 1999 – to the Land Resources Management Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Republican state budget-supported enterprise “Kazgeodesia” of the Land Resources Management Agency  of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the following branches has been established by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 668 dated June 30, 2010: “Batysgeodesia”, “Zhambylgeodesia”, “Kazgeokart”, “Ortalyk mining geodesy”, “Respublikalyk kartografiyalyk fabrika”, “Soltustikgeodesy”, “Shygysgeodesy”, “Shymkentgeodesy”.

Since November 06, 2020 Republican state budget-supported enterprise "Kazgeodesia" by merging and transforming into the Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use "National Centre of Geodesy and Spatial Information" of the Committee of Geodesy and Cartography of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Currently, Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use “NCGSI” is unique by  its production potential, availability of highly professional specialists and technical equipment, scope of topographic-geodesic, aerial survey and cartographic engineering works carried out. Republican State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Use “NCGSI” establishes its activities on the principles of advanced high-precision technology use, comprehensiveness of geodetic, cartographic and aerial surveying work performance in any scope and as soon as practically possible.

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